Legitimation Mechanism of Homoaffective Families


  • Tayllany Rocha da Cruz Centro Universitário UNINORTE
  • Alcides Marini Filho Centro Universitário Uninorte




Civil right, Family, Legitimation, Constitutional, principles, Homo-affectivity


The present article deals with the evolution of the concept of family, as the hierarchical, conservative and patriarchal family institution, imposed in a rigid way, in which Christianity took power over citizens and only couples of the opposite sex were considered family, married with the intention of reproduction, ended up giving way to new family arrangements. Through social advancement, new concepts, customs and values were instituted in our environment and diversified family molds took place in society, with the example of the homoaffective family, which will be focused on in this article. So that, after the emergence of this family constitution, social prejudice came with it, in which it segregated unusual families in view of the rest of the people and that for this reason sought legal support for protection that was their right, with that, after years of resistance by homo-affective families, there had been a need for the legal system to manifest itself, which in turn, through zetetics, used the principle of affection and the search for happiness as constitutional postulates recognizing and validating family plurality, not based only on law, but on affection. This article was based on ideas and theoretical assumptions that have significant importance in the definition and construction of concepts, it was used from secondary sources such as academic works, articles, books, doctrines and jurisprudence, proceeding from the analytical conceptual method.

Author Biographies

Tayllany Rocha da Cruz, Centro Universitário UNINORTE

Graduanda em Direito em Centro Universitário Uninorte de Rio Branco/AC. Email: rochacruz19@gmail.com

Alcides Marini Filho, Centro Universitário Uninorte

Mestrando em Direito pela Universidade de Marília. Especialista em Direito Civil e Processo Civil  pelo Insituto Elpídio Donizete de Minas Gerais. Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Campo Grande - Mato Grosso do Sul. Professor De Direito de Família e Direito das Sucessões do Centro Universitário Uninorte de Rio Branco/AC. Analista Efetivo do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social - INSS. Email: alcidesmf1975@gmail.com


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How to Cite

ROCHA DA CRUZ, T.; MARINI FILHO, A. Legitimation Mechanism of Homoaffective Families. REVISTA JURÍDICA DO MPAC, Rio Branco, v. 1, n. 1, p. 120–136, 2021. DOI: 10.59133/rjmpac.v1i1.11. Disponível em: https://ojs.mpac.mp.br/index.php/revista/article/view/11. Acesso em: 22 oct. 2024.